

René Mayer (1947) is Swiss by birth, cosmopolitan by temperament, and an artist by vocation. Since the 1970s, after attending the School of Arts and Crafts in Basel (now the «Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel»), he has dedicated himself to painting and sculpture. His early paintings were figurative, but he soon veered towards abstract art, creating over 500 paintings and sculptures that address his social, environmental, and
cultural concerns. In his recent series «Imperceptible shift», René Mayer highlights the almost imperceptible mutations that insidiously undermine our lives – in the intimacy of the couple as well as in the vastness of the world. This series sets a new milestone in René Mayer’s journey, but it does not mark the end of his artistic career. His motto remains: «Passion never retires.»
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Artist and craftsman

The technical substrate of a painting in the series «Imperceptible Shift» (including the frame, the fabric, the chips, the construction templates, the paint gutter, etc.) is more than the prerequisite upon which the work is built: it is a constitutive element. «At the bottom of my heart, I am a craftsman,» affirms René Mayer. Working the wood, stretching the canvas on the frame, coating the fabric,
Preparing the paint is a highly artisanal operation that precedes the artistic gesture and results in stimulating tactile and olfactory sensations – almost sensual, says the artist.

Through the four videos below, follow step by step the creation of a work from the «Imperceptible Shift» series.

Making your
own canvas

René Mayer makes his own canvases in the format of 140 x 180 cm. These canvases, which must accommodate several hundred tokens, must have maximum rigidity, form stability, and resistance to folds. Out of necessity, René Mayer has developed his own technique for stretching the fabric on the frame and avoiding unsightly folds at the four corners of the painting! Discover his method in this video – and don’t hesitate to use it for your own works…

Painting directly with pigments

René Mayer prefers acrylic paint, but he only moderately appreciates the colors as they come out of the tubes or pots. To achieve the desired brilliance and brightness, the artist uses powdered pigments. He applies a first layer of transparent medium on the canvas and then incorporates the pigments in successive layers until the desired effect is achieved.

Colouring the casino chips

A work from the «Imperceptible Shift» series includes up to 600 casino chips – chips that symbolize for René Mayer the irresponsibility of our civilization: «We play with the Earth as if it were a casino. But in this game, we are losers.» The concept involves gradually covering chips with a second color. This change evokes the slow mutations that mark our lives and that of the world. To color his chips rationally, René Mayer has developed a simple but refined artisanal process.

Gluing chips casino chips

The gluing of hundreds of casino chips onto a painting, once they have been positioned to the millimeter according to a pre-established plan and with wooden templates made by René Mayer, is a captivating moment. It is only after all the chips have been glued and the templates removed that the artist discovers his work! This video shows the original tools and ingenious method that are at the foundation of the «Imperceptible Shift» series.


Art books are said to be instructive and pedantic. Creating an art book that is informative but not boring is therefore a challenge – one that «René Mayer…? René Mayer..!» meets with a smile: neither a biography nor a catalogue, this book invites you to wander through fifty years of artistic research and discover «Imperceptible Shift», René Mayer’s latest theme (but not the epilogue of
his career!). Flip through the book as you please and enter the creative intimacy of the artist. Discover, through brief texts, his sources of inspiration, enjoy his anecdotes, savor his recipes (cooking is also an art!), delight in his short aphorisms, and discover a vibrant anthology of paintings and sculptures.
Format 30 x 30 cm, couverture rigide, 96 pages. Available in German, English, Italian and Portuguese on this site’s shop. Price: 45 CHF/Euro, including VAT. Shipping costs extra.
Sculpictor Diffusion GmbH
St. Alban-Anlage 46
4052 Basel, Switzerland

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